Red Deer Directory About Us
About the Red Deer Directory
What does it cost?
The Red Deer Directory is free for all Red Deer businesses. We provide a free listing both alphabetically and under one business category.
What if I have more than one business name?
The more the merrier, we always say. If you do business in Red Deer under two or three identities and that is how your Red Deer area customers know you, then just email us the information, we will be happy to add them all in FREE, to the Red Deer Directory.
What does it cost to link the Red Deer Directory to my website?
Once again the Red Deer Directory will consider providing a FREE LINK to your website alphabetically and by one business category. In return we request you provide a return link to us.
What if I don't know how to provide a return link?
Just call us at 403-314-5427, we can usually walk you through it or give you the information you need to pass along to your web person.
What if I don't have a web site?
The Red Deer Directory is for all Red Deer businesses, website or no website.
I don't have email so how do I add my business?
Fax us at 403-309-9282 , we'll be happy to add your information.
How do you stay in business if you don't charge anything?
Good question! We have many businesses that do provide us an income and the Red Deer Directory is a growing emerging venture that businesses will soon realize can add cost effective exposure for their products, to a local market. There will be services that we do charge for - but - first things first.
Can you help if I want a web site or email?
Yes, one of our businesses, Red Deer Net not only makes web sites but provides everything you need. Web hosting, name registration, email and we have a starter package for small businesses that starts under $300.00. More than affordable for any Red Deer business.
Menu :
- Category Selection
- Alphabetical Selection
- About Us
- FAQ's
- Contact Us
- Add Your Business
- Correct A Business
- Directory Blog